
Netflix has done it again. Not only were they happy to release a Cyborg 009, Cyborg 009 vs Devilman, and Voltron remakes, but now they have ventured into remaking one of the most dearest animes to the 80's and 90's generation: Saint Seiya.

An initial season of 12 episodes has been announced, which supposedly spans the first four arcs of the series using 30 minute episodes. Could a mere 6 hours pack the whole adventure that were The Twelve Houses Battle, Asgard, Poseidon and Hades sagas??

I honestly doubt it... but Yoshiharu Ashino, director of D. Gray Man Hallow, is going to direct the episodes and we can only hope that he does a good job.

Personally, I am quite annoyed at the fact that really awesome animes are getting remade just for a quick look. The original series consisted of more than 100 episodes plus all the movies and spin offs, it really expanded on each saint's story and you got to grow fond of each character with their faults and virtues. In the old days, it took dedication to become a fan! Nowadays, things have to get remade for a quick buck for punks who can't even keep their attention span longer than 30 mins.

I know I am being a bit harsh, but honestly, there is no need to repaint a Mona Lisa or redesign a pair of converse. The art comes from the original design ;)


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