
To be honest, it's been a while since we've had the opportunity to play some consecutive matches in Overwatch; not because we no longer like the game, but some life events have been keeping us busy. Luckily, time is coming back to us...just in time for Overwatch's newest event! The Summer Games have returned, and with it, some fabulous new skins!

We'll start with the bang: Solider 76's (Dad 76's) Grillmaster: 76 skin. We just can't get over this one...hands down our favorite. The best part? Soda can healing! Ah, and we cannot forget those amazing dad sock/sandal combo. It's just too perfect. Too. Damn. Perfect.

 Up next is Widow's sexy new swimwear: Cote d'Azur. We love seeing as many of Widow's tats as we possibly can, so this skin really stole our hearts. The hair is just icing on the cake! 

Although pretty, this is one we don't necessarily agree with for this particular event: Mercy's Winged Victory. Okay...I get the "victory" theme, but it just feels like it's trying too hard to fit in with the rest of the themes (beach/games). Regardless, it's a great looking skin with some fabulous details -- probs won't waste the 3k coins on it though... because it'll always be Witch Mercy or nothing with us.

Close to Sakti's explosive heart: Junkrat's Cricket uniform. Um...so this was a pretty awesome idea as a whole. His peg-leg is a CRICKET BAT!!

There are three more legendary skins that we're a bit "meh" to us, but probably interest many of you Sombra, McCree, and Reaper Mains. Sombra's Tulum, Reaper's Biker, and McCree's Lifeguard. The beach towel and flare gun are excellent additions to the McCree skin. We wouldn't complain if we happened to roll up on these three through the good 'ol lootbox system, but we'll be saving our coins for future events...especially because the recent fix gives us less of a chance for dupes (which is a good thing!!!) and thus less coins.
Tell us your favorite event items! Shoot a tweet to @2girls__1up or comment below!  


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